Download Cassidy Ft R Kelly - Hotel    [free cellularphone polyphonic ringtone]

Author: Cassidy Ft R Kelly
Music Title/Track: Hotel
Category: RnB Ringtones
Formats Available: .MIDI(polyphonic), .MP3(realtone), m4r (iphone)
Downloads: 1771
Theme ID: 616
This ringtone(realtone,truetone) was added by "Cantara" from Rullstorf, Germany - Aldi Talk Mobile Operator and possibly compatible with:
  • Motorola MOTO Q 11, XT5 Quench, MOTO ZN200, Swarovski RAZR V3 006 "Âûìïåë", Atrix 4G, V3690, V186, C168i, V235, Talkabout 180, A925, 2260, MOTORIZR Z6, M70, ROKR EM325, T182c, C257, v60p/v60s, V2088, A1000 Communicator, StarTac 7860W, W175, V2260, V60i, i90c,
  • Sony Ericsson T290/T292a, Z800i, Xperia pro, W900i, Z250i, Jalou, K800i, Z600i, Z780, D750, V600i, V800i, J120i, V640, Z500a/Z502a, P990, Elm, T226, T270, Cedar, K200, T700, Z750i, K330,
  • LG KP170, UX8360, GS200, A160, UX280 Wine, DM150, T510, Optimus Me P350, GM205, AX9100, LX165, Dare, AX300, MG225D, Shine CU720, L650V, TM-510, GS107, KM710, CF750 Secret, KC910, enV2, KU970, KF305, C3100, B2100, 330W, B2050, G7030, GD330, 900, UX210, E720 Optimus Chic, KC560, VX-4650, AX585, KU580, Trax, VX9400, TM220, KG225, Decoy, VX9800, KM380, 5225/VL5225, GD510, CU920, PM-225, TU550, Chocolate/KG800/KG808/MG800C, F2300, VX4600,
  • Other devices: SoftBank - 705T; AT - Bear; Maxon - MX-7600, MX-E10; Fly - 2080, E300, SL600i; Benq-Siemens - E81, E71, P51, EL71, EF91, Q-fi EF71; Palm - Treo 850, Tungsten T5, Tungsten W, Treo 800w, Treo 750/750v, Treo 650 (GSM), Treo 755p; Toshiba - 903T, Portege G910, Portege G900, 803T, Portege G900 Titanium;
    but also can work on other cellphones

    if you have a phone from a list, and ringtone doesnt work fine, please e-mai us and if ringtone works fine, please tell us you phone model, we add them to the list

    Our members downloaded this tone using mobile network operators (carriers):
  • Canada - KMTS Mobility, Dryden Mobility, Solo Mobile, Rogers Wireless, Virgin Mobile Canada, WestNet Wireless, Telus Mobility, Telebec Mobilite, ICE Wireless,
  • Germany - Bild Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, BASE, Fonic, Ortel Mobile, Congstar, Che Mobile, Scoot Mobile, Simyo,
  • Belgium - Carrefour, Mobile World, NRJ Radio, Telenet Mobile, NRJ Mobile, 1Mobile, XL Call, Aldi Talk, Mobistar SOS, Dixitel,
  • Spain - PepePhone, Orange Espana, MasMovil, Happy Movil, Bristish Telecom, Eroski Movil, Blau, Jazztel Movil, Simyo (KPN), Telecable,
  • And other

    temporary, we can not send this sound to your phone but you can download it on PC, then use a data-cable(BlueTooth,wireless) connection for uploading to the mobile phone
    Download Hotel by Cassidy Ft R Kelly Free Polyphonic Ringtone

    30 sec m4r ringtone for iphone with 128 kbit/s bitrate (212Kb) (Polyphonic)
    Download Hotel Free m4r iphone Ringtone

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